Welcome to SHOMUGO. We would like to offer you an easy and comprehensive shopping experience, which is why we would like to provide you with some tips and rules in this regard. Please read the following points carefully. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at support@shomugo.com
For all orders on SHOMUGO and the participating sub-shops, the terms and conditions of the respective providers apply. SHOMUGO does not act as an intermediary at any time. All providers are extensively checked in the course of registration. In case of questions regarding products, warranty and guarantee, handling and use, payment and delivery, the responsible merchant should be contacted directly.
You can view the contact details and the respective applicable terms and conditions on the merchant store page, as well as during the checkout process.
To use the SHOMUGO websites and their services, you must be of legal age and legal capacity. Otherwise, we ask you to leave our websites or to visit them with the consent and presence of your legal representative.
All access data must be protected against unauthorized access by third parties, especially by minors. We would like to point out that costs incurred as a result of unauthorized orders may be subject to legal action. Please keep your access data carefully and do not use any saving options through browsers or other software.
Before you place an order, please inform yourself comprehensively about the offered product. Our dealers have various fields and options available for this purpose. Prices with basic price information are specially marked to make it easier for you to compare prices.
All prices are inclusive of VAT and specific product costs. Individual costs such as customization, gift wrapping, shipping costs are carried out separately and must be confirmed by you.
To trigger an order on SHOMUGO are basically the following steps necessary:
We recommend that you save a copy of the respective order and the associated contractual terms and conditions.
We have summarized all information about the respective shipping conditions on a separate page, which you can view under "Shipping and delivery times".
We have summarized all the information on a separate page, which you can view under "Warranty and Guarantee".
Consumers have the possibility to send complaints directly to our above mentioned e-mail or postal address or to report them via an online dispute resolution platform. We would like to inform you about this in accordance with the Alternative Dispute Resolution Act (AStG) and the EU Online Dispute Resolution Regulation (ODR Regulation).
Furthermore, we would like to point out that participation in an online dispute resolution platform is not mandatory, but merely voluntary. However, since we are convinced that disputes are not useful for either party and we strive to find solutions, we offer you the following platforms for reporting:
Please contact the responsible supplier if you have any questions about products, orders or invoices. For general questions please contact us at support@shomugo.com
Auf SHOMUGO haben Händler ihren eigenen Brand Store – direkt, regional und persönlich. Seit Ende 2022 bietet SHOMUGO die perfekte Plattform, um Produkte online, länderspezifisch und sogar vor Ort zu verkaufen – ohne den Aufwand von AddOns oder Wartungskosten. Starte kostenlos und wachse mit SHOMUGO.
Wir setzen auf geprüfte und laufend kontrollierte Brand Stores – ein Versprechen an unsere Kunden, die hier ein sicheres und authentisches Einkaufserlebnis finden. Für Dich bedeutet das: Jeder Einkauf ist ein Schritt näher an echter Qualität.
Ob regional oder europaweit, bei SHOMUGO findest Du lokale Anbieter und Produkte aus Deiner Region. Unser aktuelle Auswahl auf shomugo.com ist nur der Anfang – stöbere nach Herzenslust und kaufe bewusst.
Bei uns bewerten nur Käufer. So entstehen authentische und wertvolle Bewertungen, die Dir helfen, die besten Produkte zu finden. Händler können reagieren und Missverständnisse ausräumen – für noch mehr Klarheit.
Mit nur einem Login behältst Du bei SHOMUGO den Überblick über Bestellungen, Wunschlisten und Rückgabeanfragen. Das ist Einkaufen ohne Grenzen – bei einem Marktplatz, der echten Mehrwert bietet.
Erlebe SHOMUGO – den Marktplatz, der Händler und Kunden wirklich verbindet.
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