Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, assum laudem cu nec, pertinax scribentur disputationi vix ea. In reque blandit pro, viris singulis id eum. Evertitur scriptorem signiferumque ius eu, zril repudiare per id. Tota mutat epicuri per at. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, assum laudem cu nec, pertinax scribentur disputationi vix ea. In reque blandit pro, viris singulis id eum. Evertitur scriptorem signiferumque ius eu, zril repudiare per id. Tota mutat epicuri per at.

In Stock
Khoysan bio Paprika edelsüß, 100 g Dose Dieses brillant-rote, aromatische Paprikapulver verleiht den Gerichten eine schöne Farbe und eine fruchtig-milde Note. Es ist unverzichtbar in allen Arten von Gulasch, wunderbar zu Fisch-, Geflügel- und Lammgerichten und verleiht Aufstrichen, Gemüsen, Suppen und Käse eine besondere Note. Von Bio-Kleinbauern in der Region Szeged, Südungarn, werden die Paprika von Hand gepflanzt und von Mitte September bis Mitte Oktober von Hand geerntet. Nach einer Nachreifephase von 2 bis 3 Wochen, werden die Paprika auf einer Steinmühle zu Paprikapulver in unerreichter Spitzenqualität vermahlen....
1040  (Incl. tax)
100 g (10400 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Khoysan Schwarzer bio Pfeffer, Tellicherry, ganz, 100 g Dose Unentbehrlich in unserer Küche – wird seit 3000 Jahren in der ayurwedischen Küche als heißes, scharfes Gewürz verwendet. Einerseits zur Geschmackssteigerung, besonders aber auch wegen seines anregenden Einflusses auf Agni, das Verdauungsfeuer und die Lebenskraft im Ayurveda. Tellicherry ist der Name des traditionellen Ausfuhrhafens und Synonym für diese hohe Pfefferqualität aus Kerala, Südindien, die sich durch extragroße Beeren und ein intensives Aroma auszeichnet. Er stammt aus dem Kleinbauernprojekt der Peermade Development Society (PDS)....
1040  (Incl. tax)
100 g (10400 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Khoysan bio Chilli und Cayenne 200 g Im Buschland wo die Khoi und die San wohnen liegt ein 400 Jahre alter unterirdischer Salzsee. Sonnen getrocknet, nach Körnung gesiebt, unjodiert, ohne Rieselhilfe, dieses reine hochwertige Salz ist die Basis aller Khoysan Kräutersalze. Biologisch zertifizierte Kräuter, möglichst aus lokal österreichischen Quellen, werden in kleinen Einheiten händisch gemischt um die feinen Aromen der Kräuter zu gewährleisten und nicht auf "Teesackerl" Qualität zu reduzieren. Detailinformationen: 200g Khoysan bio Chilli und Cayennepfeffer in einer Dose mit Korkdeckel unjodiert, ohne...
960  (Incl. tax)
200 g (4800 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Khoysan bio Knoblauch und Petersilie 200 g Im Buschland wo die Khoi und die San wohnen liegt ein 400 Jahre alter unterirdischer Salzsee. Sonnen getrocknet, nach Körnung gesiebt, unjodiert, ohne Rieselhilfe, dieses reine hochwertige Salz ist die Basis aller Khoysan Kräutersalze. Biologisch zertifizierte Kräuter, möglichst aus lokal österreichischen Quellen, werden in kleinen Einheiten händisch gemischt um die feinen Aromen der Kräuter zu gewährleisten und nicht auf "Teesackerl" Qualität zu reduzieren. Detailinformationen: 200g Khoysan bio Knoblauch und Petersilie in einer Dose mit Korkdeckel unjodiert, ohne...
920  (Incl. tax)
200 g (4600 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Khoysan bio Kräuter und Blüten 200 g Im Buschland wo die Khoi und die San wohnen liegt ein 400 Jahre alter unterirdischer Salzsee. Sonnen getrocknet, nach Körnung gesiebt, unjodiert, ohne Rieselhilfe, dieses reine hochwertige Salz ist die Basis aller Khoysan Kräutersalze. Biologisch zertifizierte Kräuter, möglichst aus lokal österreichischen Quellen, werden in kleinen Einheiten händisch gemischt um die feinen Aromen der Kräuter zu gewährleisten und nicht auf "Teesackerl" Qualität zu reduzieren. Detailinformationen: 200g Khoysan bio Kräuter und Blüten in einer Dose mit Korkdeckel unjodiert, ohne Rieselhilfe 97...
960  (Incl. tax)
200 g (4800 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Khoysan bio Algen und Kräuter 200 g Im Buschland wo die Khoi und die San wohnen liegt ein 400 Jahre alter unterirdischer Salzsee. Sonnen getrocknet, nach Körnung gesiebt, unjodiert, ohne Rieselhilfe, dieses reine hochwertige Salz ist die Basis aller Khoysan Kräutersalze. Biologisch zertifizierte Kräuter, möglichst aus lokal österreichischen Quellen, werden in kleinen Einheiten händisch gemischt um die feinen Aromen der Kräuter zu gewährleisten und nicht auf "Teesackerl" Qualität zu reduzieren.    Die Khoysan Meeresalgenflocken stammen aus bio-zertifizierten Gebieten. Sie werden nachhaltig sorgsam von Hand geertnet,...
1075  (Incl. tax)
200 g (5375 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Khoysan bio Zitronenthymian mit Orange & Zitrone 200g Im Buschland wo die Khoi und die San wohnen liegt ein 400 Jahre alter unterirdischer Salzsee. Sonnen getrocknet, nach Körnung gesiebt, unjodiert, ohne Rieselhilfe, dieses reine hochwertige Salz ist die Basis aller Khoysan Kräutersalze. Biologisch zertifizierte Kräuter, möglichst aus lokal österreichischen Quellen, werden in kleinen Einheiten händisch gemischt um die feinen Aromen der Kräuter zu gewährleisten und nicht auf "Teesackerl" Qualität zu reduzieren. Detailinformationen: 200g Khoysan bio Zitronenthymian und Orange in einer Dose mit Korkdeckel...
1075  (Incl. tax)
200 g (5375 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Khoysan Fleur de Sel Kristalle 200 g m Buschland wo die Khoi und die San wohnen liegt ein 400 Jahre alter unterirdischer Salzsee – die Quelle für sämtliche Khoysan Salze. Fleur de Sel ist eine Art der Salz Gewinnung - ein Salz, das direkt von der Sonne an die Oberfläche des Salzgartens kristallisiert wird. Fleur de Sel hat besonders viel Licht in sich und ist vom Geschmack her milder und runder als die Salzkristalle, die am Boden des Salzgartens reifen. Die Kristallauslesung wird nicht gesiebt, sondern von Hand in Flocken oder feine Kristalle verlesen. Detailinformationen: 200g Khoysan Fleur de Sel Kristalle in...
1030  (Incl. tax)
125 g (8240 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Khoysan Fleur de Sel Kristalle 200 g m Buschland wo die Khoi und die San wohnen liegt ein 400 Jahre alter unterirdischer Salzsee – die Quelle für sämtliche Khoysan Salze. Fleur de Sel ist eine Art der Salz Gewinnung - ein Salz, das direkt von der Sonne an die Oberfläche des Salzgartens kristallisiert wird. Fleur de Sel hat besonders viel Licht in sich und ist vom Geschmack her milder und runder als die Salzkristalle, die am Boden des Salzgartens reifen. Die Kristallauslesung wird nicht gesiebt, sondern von Hand in Flocken oder feine Kristalle verlesen. Detailinformationen: 200g Khoysan Fleur de Sel Kristalle in...
1010  (Incl. tax)
200 g (5050 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Khyosan Salz natur fein 200 g   Im Buschland wo die Khoi und die San wohnen liegt ein 400 Jahre alter unterirdischer Salzsee. Sonnen getrocknet, nach Körnung gesiebt, unjodiert, ohne rieselhilfe, dieses reine hochwertige Salz ist harmonisch im Geschmack und durch seine hohe Würzkraft sparsam im Gebrauch. Detailinformationen: 200g Khoysan Meersalz natur fein in einer Dose mit Korkdeckel handgeerntet, sonnengetrocknet, unraffinierte Meersalz-Kristalle - weder gemahlen, noch hitzebehandelt, unjodiert, ohne Reieselhilfe, gesiebt in feine Körnung
1300  (Incl. tax)
1000 g (1300 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Khyosan Salz natur grob 200 g   Im Buschland wo die Khoi und die San wohnen liegt ein 400 Jahre alter unterirdischer Salzsee. Sonnen getrocknet, nach Körnung gesiebt, unjodiert, ohne Rieselhilfe, dieses reine hochwertige Salz ist harmonisch im Geschmack und durch seine hohe Würzkraft sparsam im Gebrauch. Detailinformationen: 200g Khoysan Meersalz natur fein in einer Dose mit Korkdeckel handgeerntet, sonnengetrocknet, unraffinierte Meersalz-Kristalle - weder gemahlen, noch hitzebehandelt, unjodiert, ohne Rieselhilfe, gesiebt in feine Körnung
1300  (Incl. tax)
1000 g (1300 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Khyosan Salz natur grob 200 g   Im Buschland wo die Khoi und die San wohnen liegt ein 400 Jahre alter unterirdischer Salzsee. Sonnen getrocknet, nach Körnung gesiebt, unjodiert, ohne Rieselhilfe, dieses reine hochwertige Salz ist harmonisch im Geschmack und durch seine hohe Würzkraft sparsam im Gebrauch. Detailinformationen: 200g Khoysan Meersalz natur fein in einer Dose mit Korkdeckel handgeerntet, sonnengetrocknet, unraffinierte Meersalz-Kristalle - weder gemahlen, noch hitzebehandelt, unjodiert, ohne Rieselhilfe, gesiebt in feine Körnung
720  (Incl. tax)
200 g (3600 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Khyosan Salz natur fein 200 g   Im Buschland wo die Khoi und die San wohnen liegt ein 400 Jahre alter unterirdischer Salzsee. Sonnen getrocknet, nach Körnung gesiebt, unjodiert, ohne rieselhilfe, dieses reine hochwertige Salz ist harmonisch im Geschmack und durch seine hohe Würzkraft sparsam im Gebrauch. Detailinformationen: 200g Khoysan Meersalz natur fein in einer Dose mit Korkdeckel handgeerntet, sonnengetrocknet, unraffinierte Meersalz-Kristalle - weder gemahlen, noch hitzebehandelt, unjodiert, ohne Reieselhilfe, gesiebt in feine Körnung
720  (Incl. tax)
200 g (3600 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Geschenkset/Probierset  9 Glasröhrchen mit Korkverschluß in einer Geschenkbox,  gestaltet und gefaltet in der Khoysan Werkstatt - so werden die 9 verschiedenen Khoysan Salze edel und gebührend präsentiert - vollkommen plastikfrei. 9 Glasröhrchen in einer Wellkartonbox mit je 14g Khoysan Salz natur fein natur grob Zitronenthymian & Orange Algen & Kräuter Kräuter & Blütern Knoblauch & Petersilie Chilli & Cayenne Fleur de Sel Kristalle 8g Fleur de Sel Flocken Bio Kontrolnr AT-BIO-401
Anlass & Gelegenheit: Geburtstag, Jahrestag, Jubiläum, Muttertag, Ostern, Thanksgiving, Weihnachten
1450  (Incl. tax)
In Stock
Heißgeliebter Cola-Geschmack,   zuckerreduziert und ohne Phosphorsäure! Gesund, natürlich, vegan... LiquidLife Cola wurde von einem Team sachkundiger und erfahrener Lebensmittelwissenschaftler und Chemiker entwickelt, um auf zellulärer Ebene mit dem natürlichen Energieproduktionssystem des Körpers zusammenzuarbeiten. Es versorgt dieses System mit einer Vielzahl von Mineralien. LiquidLife Cola wurde entwickelt, um Ihnen einen gesunden und anhaltenden Energieschub zu geben, ohne dass Sie das...
5350  (Incl. tax)
24 ml (223 € per ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 700
Truffle Orange Truffle Organic Dry Gin 44% Vol. 0.5l  The Truffle Orange Truffle is a distillate of organic quality that is dedicated to the combination of the freshness of orange and the taste of truffle. In addition to orange, juniper, coriander, and other botanicals, truffle (depending on the season from summer truffle to white Alba truffle) also finds its place.  TASTING NOTES: Nose: Pleasant truffle aroma with a hint of orange and subtle juniper notes Palate: Smooth and supple with a touch of orange freshness, delicate truffle notes, gentle floral sweetness, and a hint of juniper Finish: Long-lasting...
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 700
8900  (Incl. tax)
700 ml (12714 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 700
Truffle Orange Truffle Organic Dry Gin 44% Vol. 0.5l  The Truffle Orange Truffle is a distillate of organic quality that is dedicated to the combination of the freshness of orange and the taste of truffle. In addition to orange, juniper, coriander, and other botanicals, truffle (depending on the season from summer truffle to white Alba truffle) also finds its place.  TASTING NOTES: Nose: Pleasant truffle aroma with a hint of orange and subtle juniper notes Palate: Smooth and supple with a touch of orange freshness, delicate truffle notes, gentle floral sweetness, and a hint of juniper Finish: Long-lasting...
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 700
7800  (Incl. tax)
700 ml (11143 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 700
Truffle Orange Truffle Organic Dry Gin 44% Vol. 0.5l  The Truffle Orange Truffle is a distillate of organic quality that is dedicated to the combination of the freshness of orange and the taste of truffle. In addition to orange, juniper, coriander, and other botanicals, truffle (depending on the season from summer truffle to white Alba truffle) also finds its place.  TASTING NOTES: Nose: Pleasant truffle aroma with a hint of orange and subtle juniper notes Palate: Smooth and supple with a touch of orange freshness, delicate truffle notes, gentle floral sweetness, and a hint of juniper Finish: Long-lasting...
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 700
14490  (Incl. tax)
700 ml (20700 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 700
Truffle Orange Truffle Organic Dry Gin 44% Vol. 0.5l  The Truffle Orange Truffle is a distillate of organic quality that is dedicated to the combination of the freshness of orange and the taste of truffle. In addition to orange, juniper, coriander, and other botanicals, truffle (depending on the season from summer truffle to white Alba truffle) also finds its place.  TASTING NOTES: Nose: Pleasant truffle aroma with a hint of orange and subtle juniper notes Palate: Smooth and supple with a touch of orange freshness, delicate truffle notes, gentle floral sweetness, and a hint of juniper Finish: Long-lasting...
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 700
15690  (Incl. tax)
700 ml (22414 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Brand: CBD Vital
CBD VITAL Naturextrakt PREMIUM 24% CBD Mundpflegeöl Das Naturextrakt Premium CBD Öl 24% wirkt auf der Mundschleimhaut und spendet so direkt die intensive Kraft der Hanfpflanze. Durch das synergistische Zusammenspiel zwischen CBD-reichem Hanfblätterextrakt und Bio-Hanfsamenöl sind optimale Effekte und eine maximale Verträglichkeit bei höchster Reinheit gegeben. Das CBD VITAL Naturextrakt PREMIUM 24% beinhaltet ausschließlich natürliches (organisches) Cannabidiol. Es wird kein künstliches, synthetisches CBD zugesetzt, was bei vielen CBD-Produkten der Fall ist. Vitamin E schützt Zellen vor oxidativen Stress. Besonders hochwertig,...
Brand: CBD Vital
11490  (Incl. tax)
10 ml (11.49000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Brand: CBD Vital
CBD VITAL Naturextrakt PREMIUM 18% CBD Mundpflegeöl Das Naturextrakt Premium CBD Öl 18% wirkt auf der Mundschleimhaut und spendet so direkt die intensive Kraft der Hanfpflanze. Durch das synergistische Zusammenspiel zwischen CBD-reichem Hanfblätterextrakt und Bio-Hanfsamenöl sind optimale Effekte und eine maximale Verträglichkeit bei höchster Reinheit gegeben. Das CBD VITAL Naturextrakt PREMIUM 18% beinhaltet ausschließlich natürliches (organisches) Cannabidiol. Es wird kein künstliches, synthetisches CBD zugesetzt, was bei vielen CBD-Produkten der Fall ist. Vitamin E schützt Zellen vor oxidativen Stress. Besonders hochwertig,...
Brand: CBD Vital
8890  (Incl. tax)
10 ml (8.89000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Brand: CBD Vital
CBD VITAL Trockene Haut Gesichtscreme Revitalisierende Gesichtspflege für sensible und anspruchsvolle Haut – mit 150 mg CBD, Grünalgenextrakt & Hyaluronsäure Hochwertige und sorgsam ausgewählte Inhaltsstoffe wie biofermentierte Hyaluronsäure, Süßholzwurzelextrakt, Aloe Vera, Dexpanthenol und CBD erfrischen und regenerieren die Haut. Zusätzlich wird diese mit ausreichend Feuchtigkeit unterstützt. Abgerundet wird die revitalisierende Creme mit einem Extrakt aus der Grünalge (QT40). Die CBD VITAL Trockene Haut Gesichtscreme für ein angenehmes Hautgefühl sowie ein ebenmäßiges Hautbild mit mehr Elastizität und Spannkraft. Sensible Haut...
Brand: CBD Vital
1990  (Incl. tax)
50 ml (39800 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Brand: CBD Vital
CBD VITAL Unreine Haut Gesichtscreme Hautbildverfeinernde Spezialpflege mit 200 mg CBD - Talgregulierende & mattierende Creme mit Cannabidiol, Heckenrosensamen-Extrakt & Aloe Vera. Die CBD VITAL Gesichtscreme Unreine Haut ist eine natürliche Kombination aus Cannabidiol (CBD) aus Hanf und verschiedenen altbewährten Pflanzenextrakten in einer angenehm leichten Textur. Cannabidiol (CBD) wird sehr vielseitig eingesetzt. Bei der Anwendung auf Problemhaut reduziert es Hautreaktionen durch die Stabilisierung des Hautimmunsystems. Bei unreiner Haut zeigt CBD besonders großes Potenzial, da es regulierend auf die Aktivität der Talgdrüsen...
Brand: CBD Vital
1990  (Incl. tax)
50 ml (39800 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Brand: CBD Vital
CBD VITAL Haarshampoo Spezialpflege für sensible, unreine zu Schuppen neigender Kopfhaut. Für starkes und geschmeidiges sowie glänzendes Haar. Das CBD VITAL Haarshampoo reinigt und pflegt ganz natürlich und besitzt einen angenehmen, erfrischenden, aber dennoch nicht zu aufdringlichen Duft. Es enthält keinerlei Silikone, Parabene, Sulfate oder Mikroplastik. Die milde Spezialpflege eignet sich insbesondere für empfindliche, unreine und irritierte Kopfhaut und spendet darüber hinaus viel Feuchtigkeit. Für ein starkes und geschmeidiges sowie glänzendes Haar.  Die einzeln und sorgfältig ausgewählten Inhaltsstoffe wie Thymian, Zink,...
Brand: CBD Vital
1490  (Incl. tax)
200 ml (7450 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Brand: CBD Vital
CBD VITAL Handcreme Regenerierende Creme mit 100 mg Cannabidiol, Panthenol & Aloe Vera - schützt und beruhigt Die CBD Handcreme von CBD VITAL kann den natürlichen Schutzmantel der Haut unterstützten. Die zertifizierte Handcreme macht stark beanspruchte und trockene Hände wieder geschmeidig. Die schnelleinziehende Handcreme beruhigt rasch und bietet rauen und spröden Händen schnelle Hilfe. Sie hinterlässt einen angenehm leichten Schutzfilm und der Duft von Aloe Vera, Kamille und Sheabutter sorgt für ein fühlbares Erlebnis beim Auftragen. Sie spendet der Haut Feuchtigkeit und wirkt regenerierend. Die natürliche Pflegeformel...
Brand: CBD Vital
1290  (Incl. tax)
50 ml (25800 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Brand: CBD Vital
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | Vollspektrum CBD-Öl | Orientalischer Geschmack | Natürlicher Vitamin E-Gehalt | Für innere Ruhe | Aus biologischem Anbau | Schneller Versand 300 mg natural CBD/CBDA content from cold pressing. Full-spectrum CBD oil and γ-linolenic acid source - where tradition meets modernity. Did you know that Black Cumin Oil has been used in the Orient and Mediterranean countries for over 1300 years? The flavorful, traditional oil from the plant Nigella sativa was used to naturally promote...
List of ingredients: Ingredients: Organic Black Cumin Oil, Organic Hemp Oil
Menge bestimmter Zutaten oder Zutatenklassen: Nutritional Values per 100g: Energy 3700 kJ/ 900 kcal, Fat 85g, of which Saturated Fats 11.3g, Monounsaturated Fats 15.2g, Polyunsaturated Fats 73.6g, Carbohydrates 0.1g, of which Sugars <0.5g, Dietary Fiber <0.1g, Protein <0.1g, Salt <0.01g. Produced through cold pressing.
Besondere Aufbewahrungs-/Verwendungsanweisungen: Recommended Intake: The recommended intake is 30 drops per day (equivalent to approximately 11.5 mg CBD/CBDA). It can be taken directly or with a meal. Suitable for daily use. This traditionally produced product contains natural cannabinoids such as Cannabidiol (CBD). The product is not suitable for children, pregnant or nursing women. Do not consume on days when other hemp-based foods have been or will be consumed. Store upright, in a cool and dry place. Storage: Keep the bottle upright, sealed, cool, and protected from light.
Nährwertdeklaration: Ø Nutritional Values per 100 g, Energy: 3700 kJ / 900 kcal, Fat: 85 g, Saturated Fat: 11.3 g, Monounsaturated Fat: 15.2 g, Polyunsaturated Fat: 73.6 g, Carbohydrates: 0.1 g, Sugars: <0.5 g, Dietary Fiber: <0.1 g, Protein: <0.1 g, Salt: <0.01 g
Brand: CBD Vital
2790  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (93000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Brand: CBD Vital
CBD VITAL Ursprung SLIM Mit Ingwer, Süßholzwurzel, Hanföl und Vitamin E (Nahrungsergänzungsmittel) Die lösungsorientierte Spezialformel mit Süßholzwurzelextrakt, Hanföl und Ingweröl sorgt für mehr Schwung und Energie beim Abnehmen. Ingweröl kurbelt mit seiner natürlichen Schärfe und den Bitterstoffen den Stoffwechsel an. Gemeinsam mit dem polyphenolreichen Süßholzwurzelextrakt und Hanföl mit natürlichem CBD-Gehalt wird die übermäßige Lust auf Süßes zudem in Zaum gehalten. Cannabidiol, kurz CBD, ist hierbei die spezielle Zutat für ein effektives Gewichtsmanagement und unterstützt vielseitig. Die pflanzliche Spezialformel kann eine...
Brand: CBD Vital
3990  (Incl. tax)
20 ml (1.99500 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Brand: CBD Vital
CBD VITAL CBD Origin NIGHT Nutrient complex with melatonin, hemp oil, folic acid and vitamin E. Shortens the time it takes to fall asleep. The CBD Origin Night drops with melatonin, folic acid and vitamin E ensure a pleasant night's sleep and serve as a nutritive support to fall asleep faster. Simply drip the oily solution directly into the mouth according to the application recommendation. The taste is pleasantly mild. Natural CBD - 500 mg per 20 ml 555 drops per 20 ml THC-free Benefits For your physical and mental well-being Melatonin helps shorten the time it takes to fall asleep With folic acid for normal...
Brand: CBD Vital
3490  (Incl. tax)
20 ml (1.74500 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Brand: CBD Vital
CBD VITAL CBD Sleep CBD VITAL special formula with melatonin and hemp oil with natural cannabidiol content - ideally dosed, optimally balanced. With organic hemp seed oil for maximum tolerance and excellent nutrient absorption. CBD Sleep by CBD VITAL is an innovative food supplement with melatonin and hemp oil with a natural CBD content from cold pressing. It provides relaxation, shortens the time it takes to fall asleep and contributes to a relaxed, peaceful sleep. Application To shorten the time it takes to fall asleep For a calm, restful sleep To restore balance during night work Cannabidiol (CBD) is a plant...
Brand: CBD Vital
3990  (Incl. tax)
13 g (3.06923 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Brand: CBD Vital
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | For sensitive skin | With cannabidiol | For problem skin | For a pleasant skin feeling | With activated CBD. | Fast shipping Care for roasted skin – with 300 mg activated CBD. The CBD VITAL Autbalsam is a natural combination with cannabidiol and various aged plant extracts in a very rich texture. Cannabidiol (CBD) is very versatile. When applied to problem skin, it offers a special care for sensitive skin. The CBD VITAL acute balm contains, with 300 mg of CBD, particularly much activated cannabidiol. The positive properties of CBD are optimally complemented by...
List of ingredients: olus oil*/**, cannabis sativa (hemp) seed oil*/**, butyrospermum parkii (shea) butter*/**, lanolin*, cera alba*/**, helianthus annuus seed oil*, oenothera biennis (evening primrose) oil*/**, squalane*, tocopherol*, hydrogenated vegetable oil*,<br>cannabidiol (cbd), calendula officinalis (marigold) flower extract*/**, fragrance (natural)*, rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary) leaf extract*/**<br>Ingredients of natural origin (99%) **Ingredients from organic farming (72%) *** The fragrance consists of allergen-free components of natural organic essential oils
Brand: CBD Vital
2290  (Incl. tax)
50 ml (45800 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Brand: CBD Vital
CBD VITAL Deo Cream CBD deodorant cream without aluminum salts. With natural ingredients - without alcohol. CBD VITAL deodorant cream provides reliable deodorant protection even without aluminum salts and alcohol. Exquisite and natural ingredients - in a skin-friendly formulation - gently care for the skin and support its sweat-regulating function. PREMIUM deodorant cream with CBD provides freshness with its pleasant and neutral, slightly citrus scent and is suitable for both men and women. Calendula extract cares for sensitive underarm skin and sodium bicarbonate directs its acid-base balance in the right direction. Tea tree...
Brand: CBD Vital
1490  (Incl. tax)
100 ml (14900 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Brand: CBD Vital
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | Bio-Teemischung mit Hanfblättern | Für wärmende Glücksmomente | Frei von Aromen und Zusätzen | Vegan | Für Momente der Ruhe und Zufriedenheit | Biologisch abbaubare Teebeutel | Schneller Versand Organic herbal tea composition with hemp leaves, cocoa shell, herbs and spices. The special organic tea blend with hemp leaves, cocoa shell, herbs and spices provides warming moments of happiness in everyday life. In addition to the typical full-bodied aroma of hemp leaves, cocoa shells, cinnamon, cloves and rosemary provide a seductive...
Brand: CBD Vital
1290  (Incl. tax)
50 g (25800 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Brand: CBD Vital
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | Belebender Teegenuss | Für mehr Energie | Frei von Aromen | Vegan | Biologisch abbaubare Beutel | Schneller Versand Organic herbal tea with hemp leaves, ginger, lemongrass and green tea. The invigorating and activating tea pleasure. CBD VITAL organic herbal tea with hemp leaves convinces with a composition of hemp leaves, lemongrass, green tea and lemon myrtle. The special mixing ratio of the individual ingredients provides the invigorating and activating properties of the tea. The natural ingredients result in the subtle spicy,...
List of ingredients: Ginger (30%), lemongrass (20%), hemp leaf (20%), green tea (17%), lemon myrtle (8%), rosemary (5%).
Ingredients and derivatives thereof that may cause allergies: Not recommended for children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women. Store in a dry place and protected from light
Brand: CBD Vital
1290  (Incl. tax)
50 g (25800 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Brand: CBD Vital
CBD VITAL Hemp Fatburner The hemp fat burner supports with hemp leaf powder, green coffee extract, BLP-1® (synergistic probiotic), bitter melon and selected micronutrients to achieve the desired weight. Hemp Fat Burner is a natural metabolism superbooster and supports weight management: The innovative formula of hemp seed protein, green coffee extract, probiotics (BPL-1®), bitter melon and essential micronutrients helps to better control body weight. This facilitates weight management and increases well-being. Effective formula for an active metabolism Obesity and overweight can be caused by a glucose metabolism disorder. A...
Brand: CBD Vital
3990  (Incl. tax)
22 g (1.81364 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Brand: CBD Vital
CBD VITAL Magnesium Complex Optimally bioavailable - with 7 different magnesium compounds Magnesium is probably one of the best-known micronutrients or minerals because its health benefits for well-being are particularly diverse and far-reaching. Magnesium activates more than 300 enzyme systems that are essential for many physiological functions, such as muscular contraction, but also relaxation ability and energy metabolism. Magnesium is also of great importance for bone density, as the mineral can increase osteocalcin production. In the case of high mental and physical strain (stress), the need for the anti-stress mineral...
Brand: CBD Vital
1790  (Incl. tax)
55 g (32545 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Brand: CBD Vital
CBD VITAL Lip Balm Regenerating intensive care with cannabidiol CBD Lip Balm is a natural care with a natural ingredient complex that prevents chapped lips from drying out and provides long-lasting care and protection. It supports the lips in any weather and in any situation. The lip balm is also ideal for on-the-go use to moisturize dry lips. The hemp oil contained in the CBD lip care, together with the properties of CBD, contributes to comprehensive protection against external environmental influences. Cremerlin®PURA ensures that the lip care is easy to spread on the lips and in the corners of the mouth. With natural...
Brand: CBD Vital
1190  (Incl. tax)
9 g (1.32222 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 120, Brand: CBD Vital
CBD VITAL Warming CBD Cream Instant warming cream with 500 mg CBD - Circulates & relaxes muscles, joints & co. CBD VITAL cream is an instant warming muscle & joint cream with a high CBD content and many long proven natural ingredients. Cannabidiol is known for its nurturing properties. Capsicum and ginger extracts warm and activate together with camphor. The warming cream was developed for permanent use. The balm, which is particularly skin-friendly due to dexpanthenol and aloe vera, can also be used on sensitive skin. The herbal ingredients promote mobility, also ideal after sports. Ingredient complex: cannabidiol (500...
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 120
Brand: CBD Vital
1990  (Incl. tax)
120 ml (16583 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 120, Brand: CBD Vital
CBD VITAL Cooling CBD Cream Instant cooling balm - with 500 mg activated CBD - muscles, joints & co. The cooling CBD cream from CBD VITAL is a cooling gel with activated cannabidiol (CBD). Menthol, peppermint and eucalyptus oil provide immediate cooling. The essential oils and camphor have vitalizing properties. Mountain pine oil, for example, has long been used in herbalism for its soothing effects in skin care. Devil's claw extract also produces an ideal synergism with CBD. The use of skin softeners such as aloe vera and dexpanthenol also makes the cooling balm exceptionally kind to the skin. The herbal combination of...
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 120
Brand: CBD Vital
1990  (Incl. tax)
120 ml (16583 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Brand: CBD Vital
CBD VITAL Hemp Happy Mind Complex with plant extracts, amino acids, vitamins, trace elements and coenzyme Q10 - More ease and joy in everyday life. Hemp Happy Mind by CBD VITAL is a unique formula of selected micronutrients and plant ingredients. The synergistic interaction between special amino acids, vitamins, trace elements as well as hemp leaves and selected plant extracts fulfills the requirements for more ease in everyday life. The amino acid L-tryptophan is a building material needed for the body's own formation of serotonin. 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) functions as a direct precursor of serotonin and is obtained from...
Brand: CBD Vital
2990  (Incl. tax)
30 g (99667 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Brand: CBD Vital
CBD VITAL Hemp Kopfsache Micronutrient formula with hemp leaf powder for targeted use - ideally dosed, optimally balanced. For a clear focus. Hemp Kopfsache is a unique formula of selected micronutrients and hemp. The micronutrients support the cellular energy metabolism in the cells. This is not only effective against oxidative stress, but also supports us to be more quickly focused and mentally operational again. The power plant hemp supports the restoration of physical balance and inner peace. CoenzymeQ10 provides energy and vigor. Vitamin B1, vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B6 (pyrodoxin) and magnesium are important not...
Brand: CBD Vital
2990  (Incl. tax)
33 g (90606 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Brand: CBD Vital
CBD VITAL hemp bitter power Herbal capsules with bitter substances from 9 herbs, zinc, selenium and reishi First highly valued, then frowned upon because of the taste, and now back again: bitters. They promote digestion, provide balance in the acid-base household and gently strengthen the immune system. Due to the taste and the one-sided diet, bitter substances are unfortunately only rarely found in the menu. Therefore, it is all the more important to supply them specifically. The CBD VITAL hemp bitter strength capsules combine natural bitter substances to an exquisite herbal extract. Dandelion, nettle, gentian, yarrow,...
Brand: CBD Vital
1990  (Incl. tax)
34 g (58529 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Brand: CBD Vital
CBD VITAL Hemp Sleep Formula Micronutrient formula with hemp leaf powder for a pleasant night's sleep - ideally dosed, optimally balanced. The micronutrient complex combines hemp with selected micronutrients and melatonin, which holistically optimizes sleep quality. The unique formula facilitates falling asleep, shortens the time it takes to fall asleep and prolongs the duration of sleep. In addition, the nutrient complex harmonizes the organism, optimizing the recovery and regeneration effect. CBD VITAL hemp fall asleep formula contains hemp as well as melatonin to shorten the time it takes to fall asleep. The amino acid...
Brand: CBD Vital
2490  (Incl. tax)
42 g (59286 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Brand: CBD Vital
CBD VITAL Hemp Neurosense Nutrient complex with N-palmitoylethanolamine (PEA), uridine monosphate, folic acid, alpha-lipoic acid and vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B12 - which contribute to normal functioning of the nervous system. Selected micronutrients, combined in the complex Hemp Neurosense, support a healthy nerve metabolism and the nervous system. The coordinated nerve building blocks of the special formula thus provide regenerative care from the inside to bring nerve pathways back into balance. Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA for short) is a crucial substance that is found in almost all living things. Like CBD...
Brand: CBD Vital
3490  (Incl. tax)
21 g (1.66190 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Brand: CBD Vital
CBD VITAL Hemp Antistress Special formula for your mental strength - dietary supplement with hemp leaf powder, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, amino acids, taurine and reduced coenzyme Q10. The unique formula consists of selected micronutrients and hemp. The comprehensive micronutrient complex ensures easier handling of psychological and mental stress and promotes the ability to concentrate. The amino acid L-tyrosine is a building block for messenger substances such as adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine, which keep us active and mentally fit. In addition, L-tyrosine is a starting material for the body's own...
Brand: CBD Vital
2490  (Incl. tax)
33 g (75455 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Brand: CBD Vital
CBD VITAL CBD Relax gum drops For restlessness, nervousness and stress*. With lemon balm extract, passion flower, vitamin B1 (thiamine) & vitamin B12. 30 peppermint-flavored gummy drops with 150 mg of natural CBD content to squeeze out are suitable as a good mood booster for in between. Passionflower and other effective phytocannabinoids of the hemp plant harmonize ideally with the effect of cannabidiol and thus contribute to relaxation and increased focus. The recipe is complemented by the lemon balm, which is one of the oldest medicinal plants in Europe and traditionally used for nervousness and stress symptoms. 150 mg...
Brand: CBD Vital
2490  (Incl. tax)
48 g (51875 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 10, Brand: CBD Vital
CBD VITAL SOS Head Roll-On Vitalizing Aroma Oil Roll-On with Cannabidiol (CBD), Peppermint, Eucalyptus & Frankincense Oil For relaxation and to support muscles and concentration. The practical SOS Roll-On applicator with refreshing essential oils for aromatherapy, to promote calm and deep relaxation or to support when the head is uncomfortable is quickly absorbed and stimulates the body's own trigger points - neck - temples - forehead. CBD - Aroma Care Roll-On with 100 mg natural CBD. With frankincense, peppermint & eucalyptus oil In well-tried composition Strengthens the focus Cooling, vitalizing, refreshing, caring...
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 10
Brand: CBD Vital
1390  (Incl. tax)
10 ml (1.39000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 10, Brand: CBD Vital
CBD VITAL Nasal Spray CBD Nasal Spray - Registered Medical Device with Cannabidiol, Carrageenan and Xylitol Colds or viral infections are accompanied by typical symptoms such as a blocked or runny nose. A stuffy nose is caused by the swelling of the mucous membrane due to an increased accumulation of fluid. CBD VITAL's registered medical product helps you relieve the symptoms of a stuffy nose. A dry nasal mucosa can promote the penetration of viruses and bacteria. Well-moistened nasal mucous membranes are therefore important as a natural defense barrier. Carrageenan forms a natural protective film and thus a physical barrier...
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 10
Brand: CBD Vital
1990  (Incl. tax)
10 ml (1.99000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: CBD Vital
CBD VITALTM Hemp Sleeping Drops With hemp and melatonin More and more people suffer from sleep problems, can no longer fall asleep or sleep through the night properly and torment themselves restlessly through the night. The lack of sleep has effects on body and mind: The ability to concentrate decreases, the risk of mood problems increases and those affected are plagued by persistent daytime fatigue. A prolonged sleep deficit often leads to other undesirable health effects, such as weight gain. CBD VITALTM hemp sleeping drops help to calm agitated spirits during the night. Hemp and vitamin B6 ensure a normal night's sleep....
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
Brand: CBD Vital
2290  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (76333 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Are you a fan of self-made bags and love to shine with extravagant accessories and unique gifts? Then you'll be thrilled by our beach bag made of cotton fabric in a blue-green-colorful design! Immerse yourself in the fascinating underwater world with adorable seahorses and cute beach monsters that adorn the bag's interior lining. The combination of cotton fabric and the lightly coated interior lining not only gives the bag a pleasant feel but also makes it water-resistant, making it perfect for relaxed days at the beach or pool. You'll love the high-quality craftsmanship and the spacious size of 58x35cm, providing ample space for all...
Product from: Austria
Special features: Accessories shown are for demonstration purposes only and are not included!
In Stock
Our beautiful bread basket made from cotton fabric scraps is the perfect accessory for all those who love handmade bags and exceptional accessories. Let yourself be inspired by its beauty and functionality! Our bread basket captivates not only with its green color and enchanting white leaf pattern but also with its environmentally conscious production. We use carefully selected cotton fabric scraps to ensure that each creation is unique and sustainable. With a diameter of about 23 cm, the basket offers ample space to stylishly present your breakfast on the balcony, during holidays, or with friends. Handling is incredibly easy,...
Product from: Austria
Special features: Accessories shown are for demonstration purposes only and are not included!
In Stock
Are you a true fan of homemade bags and unique accessories? Then you'll love our upcycled denim bag! This one-of-a-kind handbag has been crafted with great attention to detail from recycled jeans and is the perfect accessory for fashion-conscious and environmentally-conscious individuals like you! The denim bag stands out with its unique design and high functionality. The short handle and long strap allow you to wear the bag in various ways - casually over the shoulder or as an elegant handbag. With the convenient outer pocket, your essential items are always within reach. The cotton lining not only gives the bag an elegant look...
Product from: Austria
Special features: Accessories shown are for demonstration purposes only and are not included!
In Stock
Dive into the world of creative children's bags and discover our unique, handcrafted kindergarten bag! This wonderful bag is made from soft-lined cotton fabric in a fascinating blue-green pattern that brings your child's imagination to life. The interior lining made of white cotton gives the bag a sense of purity and freshness, while the practical little pouch attached inside with a carabiner hook keeps valuable little items secure. The magnetic closure ensures easy opening and closing, allowing your child to access their treasures effortlessly. With dimensions of 25x19x5cm, this children's bag provides ample space for all the...
Product from: Austria
Special features: Accessories shown are for demonstration purposes only and are not included!
In Stock
Welcome to the world of unique style and sustainability! Our handcrafted recycling-upcycling bag artfully combines various denim fabrics into a colorful, striped masterpiece. The interior lining with the fascinating Marilyn Monroe print adds a touch of glamour and individuality to this bag. This incomparable bag has been specially designed for our customers who have a passion for handcrafted bags and are in search of exceptional accessories and gifts. The bag comes in the perfect size of 45x33 cm and is equipped with a small interior compartment that provides enough space for your daily essentials. Why should you miss out on this...
Product from: Austria
Special features: Accessories shown are for demonstration purposes only and are not included!
In Stock
Discover our green denim bag, a true work of art created through recycling-upcycling (R.U.)! This unique bag has been crafted with love for detail and is perfect for those who adore handcrafted bags and seek distinctive accessories and gifts. Our denim bag is made from an old pair of jeans that has been given new life. The inner lining and lace trim are sourced from an old summer dress, adding a charming and original touch to the bag. Your little treasures can be safely kept in the small interior pocket made from linen fabric remnants. Measuring 43x29 cm, this bag provides ample space for all your essentials, whether for daily use...
Product from: Austria
Special features: Accessories shown are for demonstration purposes only and are not included!
In Stock
Immerse yourself in the world of elegance and individuality with our stunning cosmetic party evening clutch. This extraordinary accessory, handmade from delicate pink bamboo straw yarn, embodies the perfection of art and functionality. Every detail has been carefully chosen to provide you with a unique and unforgettable experience. The smooth zipper not only ensures smooth access to your treasures but also provides secure storage for your cosmetics and personal belongings. Open the bag and discover a luxurious linen lining adorned with delicate pink blossoms in a rich petrol tone. This contrast gives the clutch a certain sophistication...
Product from: Austria
Special features: Cosmetic party evening bag made of pink bamboo straw yarn crochet, zipper, lining linen fabric (petrol color w. pink flowers) G: 20x10cm
In Stock
Allow me to introduce you to a unique creation: the crocheted bamboo straw yarn clutch. This beautiful bag embodies the perfect blend of timeless elegance and natural beauty. The crocheted bamboo straw pattern gives it a charming handmade look that captivates every viewer. The zipper not only ensures a secure hold but also serves as a stylish detail that emphasizes the sophisticated aesthetic of the clutch. The interior lining made of natural-colored glossy satin not only provides a contrasting luxurious touch but also protects your precious items from scratches or damage. It is the perfect combination of functionality and beauty....
Product from: Austria
Special features: Clutch crocheted from bamboo straw yarn, zipper, lining natural shiny satin. G: 26x16cm
In Stock
Imagine yourself strolling gently through a picturesque craft market. Your eyes wander over the variety of unique bags and handmade products that catch your attention. And then you discover it - the clutch or shoulder bag made of bamboo straw yarn that evokes a sense of exclusivity and originality. This fascinating bag has been crocheted with great attention to detail by skilled craftsmen. You can feel the dexterity and dedication that went into each stitch pattern. The bamboo straw yarn gives the bag a natural elegance and a special flair. You can practically feel the texture of the material, which feels pleasantly grippy and at the...
Product from: Austria
Special features: Clutch or shoulder bag made from bamboo straw yarn crocheted with Leather application, size: 30x20x5cm, magnetic closure, lining: velvet fabric natural colors, 120 cm gold-colored chain as a strap (detachable).
In Stock
Welcome to an exceptional jewelry description that reflects the beauty and uniqueness of the product! This exclusive gold wire chain with polymer clay flower petals is not only an eye-catcher but also an expression of individuality and style. With a total length of 48 cm, this nickel-free chain is a true work of art that has been handmade with love and care. The flower petals, made from polymer clay, give this piece of jewelry a fascinating vibrancy and a colorful splendor that enhances any outfit. The chain is more than just an accessory - it is an embodiment of personal expression and the wearer's distinctive style. It is perfect...
Product from: Austria
Special features: Gold wire necklace (nickel free) petals made of Polymer clay, total length: 48cm
In Stock
Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of extraordinary jewelry and unique, self-made products! This artistically crafted glitter blossom made of high-quality resin is an absolute highlight that makes your personality shine. The round shape of the glitter blossom gives it an elegant and playful charm. With a diameter of 4 cm, it catches everyone's attention and makes a fashionable statement. The attached textile ribbon with a length of 44 cm allows for comfortable wearing around the neck, ensuring that the glitter blossom is perfectly showcased on your décolleté. An additional 5 cm extension chain allows for individual length...
Product from: Austria
Special features: Glitter flower cast in resin, shape: round, 4cm, textile strap 44cm, 5cm Extension chain
In Stock
In the midst of a fascinating world of exquisite jewelry and handmade masterpieces, a very special creation awaits you: The Sparkle Blossom, artfully encased in shimmering resin and of oval shape. With its seductive dimensions of 4 cm in length and an enchanting textile ribbon of 44 cm, it is a true masterpiece. Immerse yourself in the enchanting atmosphere of the Sparkle Blossom and let yourself be enchanted by its mysterious charm. This unique creation tells a story of beauty, elegance, and individuality that perfectly suits you and your unique style. The artistically designed textile ribbon gently embraces your neck, giving you a...
Product from: Austria
Special features: Glitter flower cast in resin, shape: oval, L:4cm, textile strap 44cm, 5cm Extension chain
In Stock
Jewelry lovers, pay attention! Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of extraordinary jewelry and handmade unique pieces. We proudly present our breathtaking Glitter Blossom, a truly enchanting piece of jewelry that will captivate your senses. The Glitter Blossom is a work of art made of resin, crafted with masterful precision and dedication. Each blossom is carefully hand-poured, making it a unique masterpiece waiting to be discovered by you. The droplet shape of the blossom gives it an elegant and feminine touch that catches every eye. The Glitter Blossom is framed by a silver wire that not only emphasizes its beauty but is...
Product from: Austria
Special features: Glitter flower cast in resin, wrapped with Silver wire wrapped (nickel free), shape: Drop-shaped, L:4cm, textile strap 44cm, 5cm Extension chain
In Stock
Let yourself be enchanted by the fascinating beauty of our handmade Glitter Blossom! This unique creation has been crafted with great care and attention to detail, offering you an extraordinary piece of jewelry that enhances your personality and individual style. The Glitter Blossom is a work of art made from resin, cast into a beautiful square shape. Each blossom is one-of-a-kind and boasts its own unique color combination and sparkling effects that make it shine. The silver wire wrapping (nickel-free) adds an elegant touch, harmoniously combining modern design with traditional craftsmanship. Measuring 4cm in length and 2.5cm in...
Product from: Austria
Special features: Glitter flower cast in resin, wrapped with Silver wire wrapped (nickel free), shape: square, L:4cm W:2,5cm, textile strap 44cm, 5cm Extension chain
In Stock
Unique Jewelry Pieces Dive into the enchanting world of unique jewelry pieces, handcrafted with love and passion just for YOU. My glittering resin-cast flowers are a true eye-catcher that will take your breath away. With their oval shape and a length of 5.5 cm, they are not only an artistic accessory but also an expression of your individual style. Each flower is carefully crafted to emphasize its beauty and uniqueness. The back of the flowers is silver matte, giving them an elegant and refined touch. This contrast between the sparkling foreground and the gentle background adds fascinating depth and dimension to the jewelry piece....
Product from: Austria
Special features: Glitter flowers cast in resin, backside silver matted, L: 5,5cm, oval, Leather strap 50cm
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 200
Truffle Orange Organic London Dry Gin 44% Vol. 0.5l  The Truffle Orange is a distillate of organic quality that is dedicated entirely to the freshness of orange. In addition to juniper, coriander, and other botanicals, oranges in particular find their place.  TASTING NOTES: Nose: intense orange with subtle floral juniper notes Palate: soft and smooth with a generous dose of orange freshness, gentle sweetness, and a hint of juniper Finish: long-lasting freshness  BEST SERVE Best enjoyed neat, with a rose tonic, orange slice, and ice 2cl Truffle & 0.1l Tonic MIDI SERVE With...
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 200
2490  (Incl. tax)
200 ml (12450 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
IMMUN VITALE 30ml IMMUN VITALE is a water-soluble dietary supplement for supporting the immune system, which contains three natural ingredients consisting of curcumin, frankincense, and vitamin C. Each individual ingredient has interesting effects. In this combination and the patented formulation technique MyCell, more than the sum of its parts is created. The product has demonstrated its excellent efficacy in a clinical study. The ingredients support your immune system in viral infections, energy metabolism, and oxidative stress. Vitamin C contributes to normal energy metabolism, contributes to the protection of cells...
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
Inhaltsstoffe: Water, gum arabic, ascorbic acid, curcumin-containing Curcuma Longa extract, frankincense (Boswellia Serrata extract).
Special features: Store the package in a cool, dark place out of reach of children. Free of polysorbates, lactose, gluten, sugar, flavors, table salt, synthetic dyes, pollutant free, pesticide free.
6990  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (2.33000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: Swiss Vitale
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | High-Quality Micronutrients | Premium Vitamins | To Reduce Fatigue | Gluten-Free | Lactose-Free | Fast Shipping CARDIO VITALE is based on the latest scientific findings and offers you a unique blend of high-quality micronutrients and fatty acids for your daily needs. This special formulation supports normal function of the heart and blood vessels. The innovative MyCell Technology ensures that your body can optimally absorb valuable ingredients such as coenzyme Q10, omega-3 fatty acids,...
List of ingredients: Water, Gum Arabic, Camelina Oil (Omega 3), Coenzyme Q10 (Ubiquinone), Tocopherol (Vitamin E), Nicotinamide, Vitamin B2, Folic Acid, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B1, Biotin, Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin MeB12).
Besondere Aufbewahrungs-/Verwendungsanweisungen: Store the package in a cool, dark place, and out of the reach of children. Take 1 x 10 drops / 0.5ml per day undiluted or with some water/juice. Average Nutritional Values / Per 1 x 10 drops (0.50ml).
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
Inhaltsstoffe: Water, Gum Arabic, Camelina Oil (Omega 3), Coenzyme Q10 (Ubiquinone), Tocopherol (Vitamin E), Nicotinamide, Vitamin B2, Folic Acid, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B1, Biotin, Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin MeB12)
Special features: One pack lasts for 60 days with normal use. Store the pack in a cool, dark place, and keep it out of the reach of children.
Brand: Swiss Vitale
6990  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (2.33000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
VITAMIN B+ VITALE 30ml A dietary supplement with the powerful combination of 8 B vitamins in a MyCell formulation for optimal absorption into the body. In which areas* can VITAMIN B+ VITALE provide supportive effects: Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) contributes + to a normal energy-yielding metabolism. + to a normal functioning of the nervous system. + to normal psychological function. + to a normal heart function. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) contributes + to a normal functioning of the nervous system. + to the maintenance of normal red blood cells. + to a normal iron metabolism. + to the protection of cells from...
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
6990  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (2.33000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
CURCUMA VITALE 30ml Curcuma originates from South Asia and belongs to the ginger family. The yellow root has been extensively used in Indian medicine such as Ayurveda for a long time and is officially listed in the Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia Haridra. Turmeric has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for 5,000 years. Curcuma Longa Extract Contains over 30% curcuminoids and essential oils, which we make water-soluble using our MyCell technology. This significantly enhances bioavailability and simplifies consumption. You can easily take CURCUMA VITALE directly, with some water or juice. Regarding curcuma, we are...
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
Inhaltsstoffe: Water, gum arabic, curcumin-containing Curcuma Longa extract
Special features: One pack lasts for 60 days with normal use. Store the pack in a cool, dark place, and keep it out of the reach of children.
5990  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (1.99667 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
FRANKINCENSE VITALE 30ml Indian frankincense is a resin obtained from the bark of trees belonging to the genus Boswellia. It is traditionally used in religious and spiritual practices. Frankincense contains boswellic acids, which are often incorporated as extracts in products. FRANKINCENSE VITALE is a natural liquid frankincense that can be better absorbed thanks to our special formulation technology MyCell. You can take FRANKINCENSE VITALE with water or juice. There are no health claims for frankincense or boswellic acids. Nutrition and health-related claims about food (Health Claims) (EU) No 1924/2006 If you want...
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
Special features: Store the package in a cool, dark place out of reach of children
5990  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (1.99667 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
VITAMIN C VITALE 30ml Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins in naturopathy. SWISS VITALE has utilized its expertise in formulation technology to improve the absorption of Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). The special formulation allows better absorption of VITAMIN C VITALE compared to simple Vitamin C powder (ascorbic acid). VITAMIN C VITALE contributes to + normal functioning of the immune system during and after intense physical activity + normal collagen formation for normal function of blood vessels + normal functioning of the immune system + protecting cells from oxidative...
Special features: Store the package in a cool, dark place out of reach of children
5990  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (1.99667 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
PROPOLIS VITALE 30 ml PROPOLIS VITALE is a natural liquid PROPOLIS that can be used both externally and internally thanks to our special formulation technology. You can take PROPOLIS VITALE with water or juice. PROPOLIS VITALE is a water-soluble PROPOLIS, which has been proven to be very well tolerated when taken orally. What is Propolis? PROPOLIS is a natural substance consisting of many components. Bees produce propolis by processing various tree resins, their salivary secretions, pollen, and essential oils from flowers into a resin-like substance. It ensures the protection of the bee colony from viruses, bacteria, fungi,...
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
Inhaltsstoffe: Water, gum arabic, propolis extract
5990  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (1.99667 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 60
LiquidLife minerals Mineral spray with essential minerals, easy to use, can be used anytime. Liquid minerals for humans In our special blend of liquid minerals, you will find up to 75 minerals that your body absorbs perfectly. The minerals are colloidal! LiquidLife minerals are extracted from Mancos shale and contain 75 colloidal plant minerals. Since LiquidLife minerals are of plant origin, they are much better absorbed than metallic minerals. They are hydrophilic - meaning they attract water, water-soluble, and negatively charged, which is why they are called colloidal - or better absorbable - plant minerals. SenTraMin...
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 60
4950  (Incl. tax)
60 ml (82500 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
LiquidLife minerals LiquidLife CAPSULES CERTIFIED DIETARY SUPPLEMENT LiquidLife minerals are extracted from Mancos Shale and contain 75 colloidal plant-based minerals. Since LiquidLife minerals are of plant origin, they are much better absorbed than metallic minerals. They are hydrophilic - meaning water-attracting, water-soluble, and negatively charged, which is why they are also called colloidal - meaning better absorbable - plant-based minerals.
Special features: 90 capsules
4820  (Incl. tax)
90 Kapseln (054 € per Kapseln)
In Stock
IMMUNO150™ LiquidLife immuno150 CAPSULES with over 150 natural ingredients, has everything our bodies need: 70 trace elements, 9 exotic fruits, 12 vitamins, 17 antioxidants, 17 herbs, 18 amino acids, 25,000% of B12, CoQ10, and more. This superior blend of 150 high-quality, specially and carefully selected ingredients makes LiquidLife immuno150 the nutrient supercharger in the market.
Special features: 150 capsules
4990  (Incl. tax)
150 Kapseln (033 € per Kapseln)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 75
Hittaller's Frankincense Cream extra strong - with stimulating frankincense scent and ginger Frankincense, arnica and olive oil have a beneficial effect on the skin. To support the well-being of reuhmatic complaints, joint pain and lumbago.
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 75
1400  (Incl. tax)
75 ml (18667 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 75
Hittaller's Vein Balm rich in red vine leaves Especially suitable for tired and heavy legs. Also suitable for wearers of compression stockings.With red vine leaves, aloe vera, sweet clover, butcher's broom, calendula and horse chestnut.
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 75
1000  (Incl. tax)
75 ml (13333 € per 1000 ml)
liquidlife tropic online kaufen bei austriavital -4%
In Stock
LiquidLife Tropic 24 Cans South Seas feeling on your lips with tropical mango and passion fruit flavor. LiquidLife Tropic was developed by a team of knowledgeable and experienced food scientists and chemists to work in synergy with the body's natural energy production system at the cellular level. It provides this system with a variety of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidants. This ensures that the mitochondria - often referred to as the powerhouse of a cell - are supplied with important nutrients and supports the production of ATP - adenosine triphosphate. ATP is considered the fuel...
4800  (Incl. tax) 4990 
24 Stück (200 € per Stück)
In Stock
LiquidLife Energy 24 Cans For all those who love energy drinks, combined with vitamins and minerals LiquidLife Energy was developed by a team of knowledgeable and experienced food scientists and chemists to work together with the body's natural energy production system at a cellular level. It supplies this system with a variety of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidants. This provides important nutrients to the mitochondria - often referred to as the powerhouse of a cell - and supports the production of ATP - adenosine triphosphate. ATP is considered the fuel or energy that cells need...
4800  (Incl. tax) 4990 
24 Stück (200 € per Stück)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 110
Hittaller's Köflacher Horse Balm with Devil's Claw and Marmot Oil Hittaller's Köflacher Horse Balm with Devil's Claw and Marmot Oil provides refreshing, soothing, and invigorating care for your muscles and joints. This unique product supports relaxation and recovery after strenuous activities. The special formula contains a carefully selected blend of natural ingredients, including arnica, pine needle, peppermint, horse chestnut, thyme, juniper, and rosemary. Each of these ingredients is known for its beneficial properties and will help you feel fit and revitalized. The horse balm absorbs quickly and leaves a pleasant feeling on...
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 110
1650  (Incl. tax)
110 ml (15000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 500
Truffle Orange Truffle Organic Dry Gin 44% Vol. 0.5l  The Truffle Orange Truffle is a distillate of organic quality that is dedicated to the combination of the freshness of orange and the taste of truffle. In addition to orange, juniper, coriander, and other botanicals, truffle (depending on the season from summer truffle to white Alba truffle) also finds its place.  TASTING NOTES: Nose: Pleasant truffle aroma with a hint of orange and subtle juniper notes Palate: Smooth and supple with a touch of orange freshness, delicate truffle notes, gentle floral sweetness, and a hint of juniper Finish: Long-lasting...
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 500
4990  (Incl. tax)
500 ml (9980 € per 1000 ml)