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In Stock
Brand: CBD Vital
CBD VITAL Ursprung SLIM Mit Ingwer, Süßholzwurzel, Hanföl und Vitamin E (Nahrungsergänzungsmittel) Die lösungsorientierte Spezialformel mit Süßholzwurzelextrakt, Hanföl und Ingweröl sorgt für mehr Schwung und Energie beim Abnehmen. Ingweröl kurbelt mit seiner natürlichen Schärfe und den Bitterstoffen den Stoffwechsel an. Gemeinsam mit dem polyphenolreichen Süßholzwurzelextrakt und Hanföl mit natürlichem CBD-Gehalt wird die übermäßige Lust auf Süßes zudem in Zaum gehalten. Cannabidiol, kurz CBD, ist hierbei die spezielle Zutat für ein effektives Gewichtsmanagement und unterstützt vielseitig. Die pflanzliche Spezialformel kann eine...
Brand: CBD Vital
3990  (Incl. tax)
20 ml (1.99500 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Brand: CBD Vital
CBD VITAL Vitamin D3 liquid Speziell für Erwachsene abgestimmtes Vitamin D für den zielgerichteten Einsatz – ideal dosiert, optimal abgestimmt. Vitamin D hat vielfältige Funktionen im Körper. Eine optimale Vitamin-D-Versorgung in den Herbst- und Wintermonaten trägt beispielsweise maßgeblich zu einer funktionsfähigen Immunabwehr bei. Zudem wird es schon seit langem für seine Unterstützung beim Erhalt gesunder Knochen und Zähne sowie der Muskelfunktion geschätzt. Vitamin D wird vom Körper unter Einwirkung von Sonnenlicht hergestellt. Das "Sonnen-Vitamin" kann vom menschlichen Organismus über die Haut durch direktes...
Brand: CBD Vital
1490  (Incl. tax)
20 ml (74500 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 120, Brand: CBD Vital
CBD VITAL Warming CBD Cream Instant warming cream with 500 mg CBD - Circulates & relaxes muscles, joints & co. CBD VITAL cream is an instant warming muscle & joint cream with a high CBD content and many long proven natural ingredients. Cannabidiol is known for its nurturing properties. Capsicum and ginger extracts warm and activate together with camphor. The warming cream was developed for permanent use. The balm, which is particularly skin-friendly due to dexpanthenol and aloe vera, can also be used on sensitive skin. The herbal ingredients promote mobility, also ideal after sports. Ingredient complex: cannabidiol (500...
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 120
Brand: CBD Vital
1990  (Incl. tax)
120 ml (16583 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Brand: CBD Vital
CBD VITAL Weihrauch Weihrauch-Extrakt für den zielgerichteten Einsatz – ideal dosiert, optimal abgestimmt. Indischer Weihrauch (Boswellia serrata) wird schon seit über 5000 Jahren in Indien und seit der Antike in Europa zu medizinischen Zwecken verwendet. Die Kraft des Balsambaumgewächses wird beispielsweise in der indischen Ayurvedamedizin erfolgreich eingesetzt. Als Sonnenpflanze bringt Weihrauch Wärme in den Körper und Freude in die Seele. Pro Jahr kann ein solcher bis zu 6 Meter hohe Weihrauchbaum 3 bis 7 Kilogramm Harz liefern und bei schonender Behandlung über Jahrhunderte lang abgeerntet werden. Auch Räucherrituale...
Brand: CBD Vital
2490  (Incl. tax)
28 g (88929 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: CBD Vital
CBD VITALTM Hemp Sleeping Drops With hemp and melatonin More and more people suffer from sleep problems, can no longer fall asleep or sleep through the night properly and torment themselves restlessly through the night. The lack of sleep has effects on body and mind: The ability to concentrate decreases, the risk of mood problems increases and those affected are plagued by persistent daytime fatigue. A prolonged sleep deficit often leads to other undesirable health effects, such as weight gain. CBD VITALTM hemp sleeping drops help to calm agitated spirits during the night. Hemp and vitamin B6 ensure a normal night's sleep....
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
Brand: CBD Vital
2290  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (76333 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Alcohol content: 38% vol, Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | 100% Organic Chamomile | No Additives | Made in Austria | Easy Dosage | Versatile Use | Fast Shipping Natural Herbal Extracts for Your Well-being Discover the power of nature with our Chamomile Organic Drops, made from 100% organically grown chamomile. This high-quality essence is free from any artificial additives and colorants to protect your health and ensure natural effectiveness. Produced in the picturesque landscapes of Carinthia, our drops meet the strictest quality and hygiene standards. The...
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Ingredients and derivatives thereof that may cause allergies: Camomile
Alcohol content: 38% vol
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
Product from: Austria
1190  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (39667 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | 100% Natural | Certified Organic | Versatile | No Animal Products | Made in Austria | Fast Shipping Cistus Bio Tincture Discover the power of nature with our Cistus Bio Tincture. This tincture is a purely plant-based and vegan formula that comes in a compact 30ml bottle, ideal for on-the-go. Made from high-quality organic alcohol, we efficiently extract the active components of Cistus and preserve them without artificial preservatives. Our tincture is not only easy to use – a few drops are enough – but...
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Country of origin: Österreich
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
1590  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (53000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
CURCUMA VITALE 30ml Curcuma originates from South Asia and belongs to the ginger family. The yellow root has been extensively used in Indian medicine such as Ayurveda for a long time and is officially listed in the Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia Haridra. Turmeric has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for 5,000 years. Curcuma Longa Extract Contains over 30% curcuminoids and essential oils, which we make water-soluble using our MyCell technology. This significantly enhances bioavailability and simplifies consumption. You can easily take CURCUMA VITALE directly, with some water or juice. Regarding curcuma, we are...
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
Inhaltsstoffe: Water, gum arabic, curcumin-containing Curcuma Longa extract
Special features: One pack lasts for 60 days with normal use. Store the pack in a cool, dark place, and keep it out of the reach of children.
5990  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (1.99667 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | 100% Organic Quality | No Preservatives | Versatile | Easy to Use | Made in Austria | Fast Shipping Dandelion Root Organic Tincture This product is made from high-quality organic alcohol that optimally extracts the natural ingredients of dandelion root without the need for additional preservatives. The tincture is not only versatile but also very easy to use: dissolve a few drops in water or take it directly. Its convenient size makes it ideal for on-the-go use. With the Dandelion Root Organic Tincture,...
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Country of origin: Österreich
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
1290  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (43000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | 100% Natural | Organic Quality | Easy Application | Versatile Use | Made in Austria | Fast Shipping Fennel & Anise Organic Tincture 30 ml Discover the power of nature with the Fennel & Anise Organic Tincture from Auwald, carefully crafted from organically grown ingredients. This tincture is free from artificial preservatives and uses high-quality organic alcohol to extract and naturally preserve the valuable active ingredients from fennel and anise. Whether you are seeking support for your daily...
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Country of origin: Österreich
Product from: Austria
1390  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (46333 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | 100% Natural | Organic Quality | Versatile | Easy to Use | Made in Austria | Fast Shipping Horsetail Organic Tincture Discover the power of nature with our Horsetail Organic Tincture. This tincture is made from organically grown horsetail, carefully processed to ensure quality and purity. With 38% alcohol content, the valuable ingredients of horsetail are optimally extracted and preserved without the use of artificial additives. Whether at home or on the go, the Horsetail Organic Tincture is your ideal...
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Country of origin: Österreich
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
1390  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (46333 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | 100% Natural | Vegan and Organic | Versatile | Convenient Packaging | Made in Austria | Fast Shipping Ginger & Turmeric Organic Tincture Discover the natural power of ginger and turmeric in our organic tincture. This tincture is free from artificial preservatives and is based on high-quality organic alcohol, which optimally extracts and preserves the valuable ingredients from the plants. The tincture is extremely versatile and can be easily consumed by adding a few drops to water or taking it directly....
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Product from: Austria
1590  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (53000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | 100% Organic Quality | No Preservatives | Versatile | Easy to Use | Made in Austria | Fast Shipping Goldenrod Organic Tincture Our tincture is made from 100% organically grown goldenrod, without any artificial additives or preservatives. The application is incredibly simple and versatile, whether diluted with water or taken directly. The clear labeling of our products gives you the security and transparency you deserve. The compact bottle makes it easy to take your tincture anywhere. Trust in nature,...
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Country of origin: Österreich
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
1290  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (43000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | 100% Natural | Organic Farming | Versatile Use | Easy Application | Made in Austria | Fast Shipping Giersch Organic Tincture Discover the power of nature with our Giersch Organic Tincture - pure and without artificial additives. This tincture is made from organically grown Giersch and contains 38% vol. alcohol, which optimally extracts the natural active ingredients. The use is incredibly simple: a few drops are enough to either consume it directly or dissolve it in a glass of water. Our transparent...
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Country of origin: Österreich
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
1590  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (53000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 75
Hittaller's Frankincense Cream extra strong - with stimulating frankincense scent and ginger Frankincense, arnica and olive oil have a beneficial effect on the skin. To support the well-being of reuhmatic complaints, joint pain and lumbago.
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 75
1400  (Incl. tax)
75 ml (18667 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 110
Hittaller's Köflacher Horse Balm with Devil's Claw and Marmot Oil Hittaller's Köflacher Horse Balm with Devil's Claw and Marmot Oil provides refreshing, soothing, and invigorating care for your muscles and joints. This unique product supports relaxation and recovery after strenuous activities. The special formula contains a carefully selected blend of natural ingredients, including arnica, pine needle, peppermint, horse chestnut, thyme, juniper, and rosemary. Each of these ingredients is known for its beneficial properties and will help you feel fit and revitalized. The horse balm absorbs quickly and leaves a pleasant feeling on...
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 110
1650  (Incl. tax)
110 ml (15000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 75
Hittaller's Vein Balm rich in red vine leaves Especially suitable for tired and heavy legs. Also suitable for wearers of compression stockings.With red vine leaves, aloe vera, sweet clover, butcher's broom, calendula and horse chestnut.
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 75
1000  (Incl. tax)
75 ml (13333 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
IMMUN VITALE 30ml IMMUN VITALE is a water-soluble dietary supplement for supporting the immune system, which contains three natural ingredients consisting of curcumin, frankincense, and vitamin C. Each individual ingredient has interesting effects. In this combination and the patented formulation technique MyCell, more than the sum of its parts is created. The product has demonstrated its excellent efficacy in a clinical study. The ingredients support your immune system in viral infections, energy metabolism, and oxidative stress. Vitamin C contributes to normal energy metabolism, contributes to the protection of cells...
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
Inhaltsstoffe: Water, gum arabic, ascorbic acid, curcumin-containing Curcuma Longa extract, frankincense (Boswellia Serrata extract).
Special features: Store the package in a cool, dark place out of reach of children. Free of polysorbates, lactose, gluten, sugar, flavors, table salt, synthetic dyes, pollutant free, pesticide free.
6990  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (2.33000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
IMMUNO150™ LiquidLife immuno150 CAPSULES with over 150 natural ingredients, has everything our bodies need: 70 trace elements, 9 exotic fruits, 12 vitamins, 17 antioxidants, 17 herbs, 18 amino acids, 25,000% of B12, CoQ10, and more. This superior blend of 150 high-quality, specially and carefully selected ingredients makes LiquidLife immuno150 the nutrient supercharger in the market.
Special features: 150 capsules
4990  (Incl. tax)
150 Kapseln (033 € per Kapseln)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | 100% Natural | Vegan and Organic | Tradition and Versatility | Easy Application | Made in Austria | Fast Shipping Alchemilla Bio Tincture This product is free from artificial additives and focuses on the purity of organically grown plants. The included organic alcohol not only effectively extracts the valuable ingredients from Alchemilla, but also naturally preserves them. The tincture is vegan and organically certified, making it a responsible choice for your daily routine. The easy application - a few...
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Country of origin: Österreich
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
1390  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (46333 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
LiquidLife minerals LiquidLife CAPSULES CERTIFIED DIETARY SUPPLEMENT LiquidLife minerals are extracted from Mancos Shale and contain 75 colloidal plant-based minerals. Since LiquidLife minerals are of plant origin, they are much better absorbed than metallic minerals. They are hydrophilic - meaning water-attracting, water-soluble, and negatively charged, which is why they are also called colloidal - meaning better absorbable - plant-based minerals.
Special features: 90 capsules
4820  (Incl. tax)
90 Kapseln (054 € per Kapseln)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 60
LiquidLife minerals Mineral spray with essential minerals, easy to use, can be used anytime. Liquid minerals for humans In our special blend of liquid minerals, you will find up to 75 minerals that your body absorbs perfectly. The minerals are colloidal! LiquidLife minerals are extracted from Mancos shale and contain 75 colloidal plant minerals. Since LiquidLife minerals are of plant origin, they are much better absorbed than metallic minerals. They are hydrophilic - meaning they attract water, water-soluble, and negatively charged, which is why they are called colloidal - or better absorbable - plant minerals. SenTraMin...
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 60
4950  (Incl. tax)
60 ml (82500 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | Natural Quality | Vegan | Versatile Application | Traditionally Proven | Made in Austria | Fast Shipping Meadowsweet Blossom Organic Tincture Discover the power of nature with the Meadowsweet Blossom Organic Tincture! This tincture is made without artificial preservatives and relies on the proven methods of traditional herbal extraction. By using organic alcohol, the natural ingredients are optimally preserved and active. Its easy application makes it an ideal companion for your daily life. Whether at...
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Country of origin: Österreich
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
1590  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (53000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | 100% natural ingredients | Organic alcohol base | Versatile | Easy to use | Made in Austria | Fast shipping Milk Thistle Organic Tincture The Milk Thistle Organic Tincture from Auwald offers you a simple way to support your well-being without the need for preservatives. The base of organic alcohol allows for the effective extraction and preservation of the valuable ingredients of milk thistle. This tincture is particularly versatile and can be easily integrated into your daily routine by simply taking it...
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Country of origin: Österreich
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
1590  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (53000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | Natural Extraction | Preservative-Free | Versatile | Vegan and Organic | Made in Austria | Fast Shipping Butterbur Organic Tincture Discover the power of nature with the Butterbur Organic Tincture in 30 ml. This tincture is made using high-quality organic alcohol, allowing the valuable plant ingredients to be optimally extracted and preserved - without any artificial additives. The product is easy to use and convenient for everyday use. The clear labeling ensures full transparency about the ingredients....
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Country of origin: Österreich
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
1590  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (53000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | Natural Quality | Alcoholic Base | Versatile | Easy Application | Made in Austria | Fast Shipping Artemisia Bio Tincture Made from high-quality, organic ingredients and preserved in an alcoholic solution of 38% vol, this tincture offers a pure and preservative-free alternative to conventional dietary supplements. Artemisia Bio Tincture is an essential companion for your daily life due to its versatility and easy application. The ingredients are transparently declared on each bottle, so you always know...
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Country of origin: Österreich
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
1590  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (53000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | Organic Quality | Alcohol Content 38% vol | Versatile Use | Easy Application | Made in Austria | Fast Shipping Organic Nettle Root Tincture This tincture is made from high-quality nettle roots and soaked in organic alcohol to extract the valuable ingredients optimally. The result is a versatile, naturally preserved product without any additional preservatives. Simply dilute the recommended amount with water or take it directly. Thanks to the clear labeling of all ingredients, you are always informed...
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Country of origin: Österreich
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
1290  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (43000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | Natural Ingredients | Optimal Preservation | Easy Application | Versatile Use: | Made in Austria | Fast Shipping Common Agrimony Organic Tincture Discover the natural solution for your daily life with the Common Agrimony Organic Tincture from Auwald. This tincture combines traditional knowledge and modern, natural preservation through 38% vol. organic alcohol, which optimally extracts the valuable plant substances. Convenient to use and easy to dose, this small bottle offers a versatile way to enrich...
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Country of origin: Österreich
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
1390  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (46333 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Alcohol content: 38% vol, Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | Purely plant-based | 100% Organic Certified | Free from additives | Made in Austria | Easy application | Fast shipping Natural Herbal Extracts for Your Well-being Experience natural support for your well-being with our "Good Gut Feeling" Organic Herbal Drops. This special blend of yarrow, lemon balm, angelica root, and other valuable herbs is ideal for calming your digestive system and promoting a healthy gut feeling. Made from 100% organically certified ingredients, we guarantee you a product free from...
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Ingredients and derivatives thereof that may cause allergies: Yarrow, lemon balm, angelica root, milk thistle, peppermint, licorice root, fennel, camomile
Alcohol content: 38% vol
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
Product from: Austria
1590  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (53000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | 100% Natural | Certified Organic | Versatile | No Animal Products | Made in Austria | Fast Shipping Organic Licorice Root Tincture Discover the power of nature with our Organic Licorice Root Tincture. This tincture uses high-quality organic alcohol to extract the natural active ingredients of licorice root, without any chemical preservatives. The versatile uses of this tincture are based on proven recipes that have been known for hundreds of years. Each bottle is clearly labeled so you know exactly what...
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Country of origin: Österreich
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
1290  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (43000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | Pure Nature | Versatile Use | Transparent Ingredients | Versatile Application: | Made in Austria | Fast Shipping Peppermint Organic Tincture Discover the power of nature with our Peppermint Organic Tincture. Made from organically certified peppermint, this product offers pure and natural support. By using high-quality organic alcohol, the valuable ingredients of peppermint are optimally extracted and preserved, without any additional preservatives. Our tincture is not only incredibly versatile, but also...
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Country of origin: Österreich
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
1190  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (39667 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | 100% Natural | Certified Organic | Versatile | No Animal Products | Made in Austria | Fast Shipping Plantain Organic Tincture Discover the power of nature with our Organic Plantain Tincture. This tincture is free from artificial additives and preservatives, using only organic alcohol to extract the valuable active ingredients of plantain optimally. Our product is versatile and based on proven recipes that combine tradition and modern demands. The tincture is transparently labeled so you always know what...
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Country of origin: Österreich
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
1190  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (39667 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
PROPOLIS VITALE 30 ml PROPOLIS VITALE is a natural liquid PROPOLIS that can be used both externally and internally thanks to our special formulation technology. You can take PROPOLIS VITALE with water or juice. PROPOLIS VITALE is a water-soluble PROPOLIS, which has been proven to be very well tolerated when taken orally. What is Propolis? PROPOLIS is a natural substance consisting of many components. Bees produce propolis by processing various tree resins, their salivary secretions, pollen, and essential oils from flowers into a resin-like substance. It ensures the protection of the bee colony from viruses, bacteria, fungi,...
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
Inhaltsstoffe: Water, gum arabic, propolis extract
5990  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (1.99667 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
CBD VITAL Bio Pure CBD 18 Kapseln Bio CBD-Ölkapseln Die Bio-CBD-Ölkapseln von CBD VITAL enthalten 18 mg Cannabidiol pro Kapsel. Das Cannabidiol stammt dabei ausschließlich aus CBD-reichem Nutzhanf in Bioqualität, der legal und frei von Pestiziden bzw. Herbiziden in der EU angebaut wird. Da die Kapseln ein natürliches Vollspektrum Öl mit natürlichem Cannabidiol-Gehalt aus Kaltpressung enthalten, sind diese eine ideale Alternative zu Naturextrakten bzw. Bio-Ölen mit 10% CBD. Um den Entourage-Effekt, also das hocheffektive Zusammenspiel verschiedener Pflanzenstoffe wie Terpene, Flavonoide und Phytocannabinoide, zu nutzen,...
5990  (Incl. tax)
34 g (1.76176 € per 1000 g)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | Organic Quality | Highly Concentrated Formula | Transparent Ingredients | Versatile Application | Made in Austria | Fast Shipping Red Clover Organic Tincture Discover the power of nature with our Red Clover Organic Tincture, carefully crafted from organically grown red clover and high-quality organic alcohol. This tincture offers you a simple and effective way to harness the traditionally proven properties of red clover. The liquid form allows for quick and easy application, ideal for the modern...
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Country of origin: Österreich
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
1290  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (43000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | 100% Natural | Organic Quality | Transparent and Traceable | Versatile Application | Made in Austria | Fast Shipping Sage Organic Tincture Discover the power of nature with our Sage Organic Tincture in 30 ml - ideal for your active and conscious lifestyle. This tincture is made without artificial preservatives, offering you the purity and effectiveness that only nature can provide. By using high-quality organic alcohol, the valuable ingredients of sage are optimally dissolved and preserved, giving you a...
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Country of origin: Österreich
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
1190  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (39667 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | 100% Natural | Organic Quality | Transparent and Traceable | Versatile Application | Made in Austria | Fast Shipping Sheep Yarrow Organic Tincture Discover the power of nature with our Organic Sheep Yarrow Tincture. This product is free from artificial preservatives, as we only use high-quality organic alcohol for extraction, which also takes care of the natural preservation of the ingredients. Our tincture is based on traditional herbal knowledge that has proven itself over centuries. The clear labeling...
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Country of origin: Österreich
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
1290  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (43000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | Natural and Pure | Versatile | Easy to Use | Handy | Organic Cultivation | Fast Shipping Natural Herbal Extracts for Your Well-being Discover the power of nature with the "Ab durch die Mitte Organic Tincture", ideal for those who value a natural lifestyle. This organic tincture is made from purely organic ingredients, with high-quality organic alcohol effectively extracting the valuable active ingredients while naturally preserving them - all without any additional preservatives. Versatile and easy to...
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
Product from: Austria
1590  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (53000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | Natural and Pure | Versatile | Easy to Use | Handy | Organic Cultivation | Fast Shipping Natural Herbal Extracts for Your Well-being Discover the power of nature with the "Ab durch die Mitte Organic Tincture", ideal for those who value a natural lifestyle. This organic tincture is made from purely organic ingredients, with high-quality organic alcohol effectively extracting the valuable active ingredients while naturally preserving them - all without any additional preservatives. Versatile and easy to...
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
Product from: Austria
1590  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (53000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30, Brand: Auwald
#textscroller a {color: #2F5737 !important;} | 100% Organic Quality | High Alcohol Content | Versatile Use | Easy Application | Made in Austria | Fast Shipping Valerian Organic Tincture Discover the power of nature with our Valerian Organic Tincture in a 30 ml bottle. This product is made without the use of preservatives and contains only organic ingredients to ensure the highest quality. The tincture, with an alcohol content of 38%, is ideal for effectively dissolving and preserving the valuable ingredients of valerian. Thanks to its easy...
Inhalt in ml (Variation):
Vegan: Vegan
Brand: Auwald
Country of origin: Österreich
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
1190  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (39667 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
VITAMIN B+ VITALE 30ml A dietary supplement with the powerful combination of 8 B vitamins in a MyCell formulation for optimal absorption into the body. In which areas* can VITAMIN B+ VITALE provide supportive effects: Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) contributes + to a normal energy-yielding metabolism. + to a normal functioning of the nervous system. + to normal psychological function. + to a normal heart function. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) contributes + to a normal functioning of the nervous system. + to the maintenance of normal red blood cells. + to a normal iron metabolism. + to the protection of cells from...
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
6990  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (2.33000 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
VITAMIN C VITALE 30ml Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins in naturopathy. SWISS VITALE has utilized its expertise in formulation technology to improve the absorption of Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). The special formulation allows better absorption of VITAMIN C VITALE compared to simple Vitamin C powder (ascorbic acid). VITAMIN C VITALE contributes to + normal functioning of the immune system during and after intense physical activity + normal collagen formation for normal function of blood vessels + normal functioning of the immune system + protecting cells from oxidative...
Special features: Store the package in a cool, dark place out of reach of children
5990  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (1.99667 € per 1000 ml)
In Stock
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
FRANKINCENSE VITALE 30ml Indian frankincense is a resin obtained from the bark of trees belonging to the genus Boswellia. It is traditionally used in religious and spiritual practices. Frankincense contains boswellic acids, which are often incorporated as extracts in products. FRANKINCENSE VITALE is a natural liquid frankincense that can be better absorbed thanks to our special formulation technology MyCell. You can take FRANKINCENSE VITALE with water or juice. There are no health claims for frankincense or boswellic acids. Nutrition and health-related claims about food (Health Claims) (EU) No 1924/2006 If you want...
Inhalt in ml (Variation): 30
Special features: Store the package in a cool, dark place out of reach of children
5990  (Incl. tax)
30 ml (1.99667 € per 1000 ml)