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austriavital CBD gummy bears

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  • Hochwertige Produkte: Unser Händler bietet nur Produkte von höchster Qualität an, die aus natürlichen Zutaten hergestellt werden und das persönliche Wohlbefinden fördern.
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austriavital CBD gummy bears
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Informacije o proizvodu

Imagine being able to enjoy your daily dose of CBD without compromising on taste or convenience. With austriavital CBD Gummy Bears, that becomes a reality. These small, flavorful gummies are enriched with 99.9% pure CBD extract and offer you a fruity taste experience that you will love.

What makes our CBD Gummy Bears so special?

  • Fruity Delight: Each gummy bear is a small flavor wonder that will transport you into a world full of fruits.
  • Ideal for On-the-Go: Whether you are traveling, working in the office, or simply have a busy day – our CBD Gummy Bears are always with you and easy to take.
  • Discreet Consumption: Enjoy your CBD dose discreetly. The gummy bear form makes it possible.
  • Calming Effect: Just like CBD oils, our gummy bears provide support for stress, nervousness, sleep problems, or pain.

But that's not all

Our CBD Gummy Bears cleverly mask the barely perceptible hemp taste with their delicious, fruity aroma. This turns every intake into a small highlight of your day. At austriavital, we place great emphasis on quality and purity. Therefore, you can be sure that our gummies are free from psychoactive ingredients. The THC content is below 0.01% in accordance with legal requirements, so you don't have to fear any intoxicating effects.

Please note that due to production-related differences, the size and shape of the CBD Gummy Bears may vary. But don't worry, the irresistible taste and high quality always remain the same. Make your everyday life a little sweeter and more relaxed with austriavital CBD Gummy Bears. Try them now and feel the difference! 

Your Versatile Companion for Well-Being

For a Relaxed Everyday Life: In our fast-paced world where stress and hustle often prevail, austriavital CBD Gummy Bears can be a true blessing. They help you maintain a calmer and more focused mind, allowing you to face challenges with more composure.

For Sleep Problems
: A peaceful night and restful sleep are essential for your health and well-being. Our CBD Gummy Bears can help improve the quality of your sleep by helping you fall asleep faster and sleep deeper.

Support for Pain
: Many people use CBD to alleviate conditions like headaches, joint pain, or muscle tension. austriavital CBD Gummy Bears can be a natural alternative or complement to conventional pain relievers.

Ideal for On-the-Go
: Their practical, discreet form makes them the perfect companion for travel, work, or simply everyday life. You can take them anytime, anywhere without anyone noticing.

Vitality from Austria

We proudly source our goods from the countries of Austria, Germany, and Switzerland to ensure regionality and top-quality from Europe. Discover natural vitality and visit us at

For Fruity Delight

At austriavital, we place great emphasis on quality and purity. Therefore, you can be sure that our gummies are free from psychoactive ingredients. The THC content is below 0.01% in accordance with legal requirements, so you don't have to fear any intoxicating effects.

Secure Shopping

You can shop conveniently in our online store around the clock. Benefit from competent and expert advice and visit us at our local store in Voitsberg. We look forward to seeing you.

austriavital - Discover natural vitality!

At austriavital, the focus is on people – in harmony with nature, we strive to offer you products that are not only effective but also in line with our values. Visit us at, in person at our local store in Voitsberg, or at the numerous trade fairs. We look forward to seeing you!

Detalji o proizvodu

Dostupno od:
Biologischer Anbau:
Verzeichnis der Zutaten:
Für unsere Produkte verwenden wir hochwertige Zutaten: 99.9 % CBD Extrakt Glukosesirup Zucker Gelatine (vom Schwein) Dextrose Fruchtsaft aus Fruchtsaftkonzentrat (Apfel Erdbeere Himbeere Orange Zitrone Ananas) Zitronensäure Frucht- und Pflanzenkonzentrat (Saflor Spirulina Apfel Holunder Orange Schwarze Johannisbeere Kiwi Zitrone Aronia Mango Passionsfrucht Traube) Aroma Holunderextrakt Überzugsmittel (Bienenwachs Carnaubawachs) Das Produkt kann Spuren von Nüssen enthalten.
Anwendungsempfehlung Bitte beachten Sie unsere Anwendungsempfehlung: Täglich jeweils 3 bis 5 Gummibärchen morgens und abends etwa 1 Stunde vor dem Schlafengehen einnehmen. Um die Wirkstoffe optimal über die Mundschleimhaut aufnehmen zu können, sollten die Gummibärchen für einen kurzen Zeitraum im Mund behalten werden und danach langsam zerkaut und geschluckt werden. Sicherheitshinweise Das Produkt ist nicht für Kinder geeignet. Die angegebene empfohlene tägliche Verzehrmenge darf nicht überschritten werden. Nahrungsergänzungsmittel dürfen nicht als Ersatz für eine ausgewogene, abwechslungsreiche Ernährung und eine gesunde Lebensweise verwendet werden. Das Produkt darf nicht während der Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit verzehrt werden. Es ist nicht zur Diagnose, Behandlung, Heilung oder Vorbeugung von Krankheiten bestimmt. Für bestmögliche Qualität innerhalb von 6 Wochen nach dem Öffnen verzehren.
Nährwertangaben je 100 g Energie 1459kj/343 kcal Fett 0,5 g davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 0,1 g Kohlenhydrate 77 g davon Zucker 46 g Eiweiß 6,9 g Salz 0,07 g
CBD Anteil:
über 50%

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