=== Personifizer === Contributors: Ronny Kühn Tags: personal, marketing, content, texte Requires at least: 6.4 Tested up to: 6.4 Requires PHP: 7.4 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Make your website personal with the simple and fast personifizer. === Description === **Transform your website into a welcoming space by greeting each visitor by name, enhancing their engagement and experience. Tailor your content and offers with personal touches, significantly boosting conversion rates and user satisfaction.** [__Live Demo__](https://headlong.at/wp-personifizer/) == Key Features == * Personalized Greetings - Automatically address visitors by name for a warm, personalized welcome. * Dynamic Content Customization - Adapt website content and offers based on individual user preferences and behaviors. * Enhanced User Engagement - Increase interaction rates through personalized calls-to-action and tailored content. * Improved Conversion Rates - Boost sales and conversions with offers and messages that resonate on a personal level. * Easy Integration - Simple setup process that integrates seamlessly with your WordPress site, requiring no coding skills. * Real-Time Adaptation - Instantly updates content and recommendations based on user actions during their visit. * User Privacy Respect - Designed with privacy in mind, ensuring personal data is handled securely and in compliance with regulations. * Cross-Device Consistency - Provides a cohesive personalized experience across all devices used by visitors. * Customizable Blacklist - Filter out unwanted terms from user inputs with an easily updatable blacklist, maintaining a respectful site environment. == How To Use == #1 Incorporate the Name Capture Shortcode Place the [namedesbesuchers] shortcode on your website where you want to capture the visitor's name. This can be on the homepage, in a widget, or any place that fits your design. Once a visitor enters their name here, it's stored within the same browser tab and can be updated or cleared by the visitor at any time. No "save" button is required as the input is automatically saved. #2 Utilize the Dynamic Text Shortcode Use the [dynamic_text standard="" before="" after=""] shortcode within your content (headings, paragraphs, buttons, etc.) to personalize the text displayed to the user. This shortcode allows for optional customization: standard="" specifies what to display if the visitor hasn't provided their name. before="" allows you to define text that will appear before the visitor's name. after="" lets you add text that will follow the visitor's name. This shortcode can be used multiple times on a page or in an article to create a highly customized user experience. #3 Modify the Blacklist as Needed The plugin's blacklist functionality provides an immediate way to replace prohibited inputs. To update the blacklist, simply access the plugin via the WordPress plugin editor and manually add or remove terms. This ensures that all user inputs are screened against your defined blacklist, replacing any matches with a predefined, friendly term to maintain a respectful and positive environment on your site. This approach allows for a high degree of personalization and interaction with your website's visitors, enhancing their experience without the need for complex configurations or settings. You're done! == Changelog == = 2.1 = * Better blacklist feature that ignores lower and upper case letters = 2.0.5 = * Blacklist feature to change unwanted entries * Minor bug fixes. = 1.5 = * Optional parameters could not be placed at the same time * Minor bug fixes. = 1.0.0 = Release Date: March 29th, 2024 * First and second shortcode parameter definition * Improvement of the code so that entries are visible in the context